If you are interested in learning more about STA, follow the above QR code or click here.

Further My Self-Awareness

  • I need to figure out my natural talents, personality, and interests.

Visit STA

  • STA offers several opportunities to enage.
    • Attend one of our three Open House Nights to investigate all STA Career Capstone Courses in person. No RSVP necessary. Just show up!
    • Attend an STA Pathway Tour. This "field trip" to STA allows students to sample each course within a specific pathway. See your counselor to determine availability for your school.

Explore STA's Career Capstone Course Pages

  • See our Online Catalog or explore any of the individual Career Capstone Course pages.
    • Understand more about the course
    • Discover potential jobs and salaries associated with graduates of the program
    • Determine how to prepare with classes and experiences prior to applying

Talk with your Counselor/Career Navigator

  • Determine if STA is the right choice for you for next year
  • See what classes you'll need to take to meet prereqs
  • Explore how this will affect your graduation requirements

Apply to STA

  • Prewrite your 2 short-answer questions
  • Fill out the application (10-15 min process) including 2 teacher recommendations