Apply to 

          Summit Technology Academy

The Application Window is Open November – March.

Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are now open Click HERE to apply.

If you haven’t already, please get a jump-start on the application process by writing your essays. See the essay questions here.

Typical timeline for STA applicants:

  • November 1 – Application is open to receive applicants.
  • Late February – Priority deadline – applicants who apply by this date can expect to learn of their status as a prospective STA student according to the timeline below.
  • Mid-March – Approved student lists will be share with school counselors. Your counselor may or may not be able to provide you with your status as a prospective STA student at this time, as determined by individual school policies.
  • Late March – Public School Students who have been approved to attend STA by both STA and THE SENDING SCHOOL will receive an acceptance letter sometime in mid- to late March.

 Summit Technology Application Process

  1. Review STA Website Course Page Information prior to applying for the program.

  2. Contact your sending school’s counselor to inform them you are applying at STA. They will be responsible for uploading information related to your application once you have completed it.
  3. Select the link below to review the steps appropriate for you:
  4. After reviewing this information carefully, complete the application

Note: “Sending Schools” are any public schools outside the Lee’s Summit School District who are part of the MIC Network of Schools.

3 Considerations before beginning your application

  1. Review STA Website Course Page Information prior to applying for the program.

  2. Contact your sending school’s counselor to inform them you are applying at STA. They will be responsible for uploading information related to your application once you have completed it.

  3. Pre-write Your Essays for Your Application (see questions below)

Note: Be sure to press the “submit” button after completing your application. Upon completing your application, you will receive a confirmation email.  If you do not receive a confirmation email, you did NOT submit it, and we have NOT received your application.

Short Answer Questions (part of the app)

  • Question #1:Describe how your experiences (personal or academic) have prepared you for deeper learning in this Capstone Course at STA (give examples).

  • Question #2: Describe how the skills, experiences, and certifications at STA will prepare you to reach your educational and career goals.

PRIOR TO BEGINNING YOUR APPLICATION, be sure to type and save your answers to the two essay questions in a word processor, so you can quickly copy/paste your answers into your application later.  This will prevent any server timeout issues that can happen with your local server.  Additionally, please answer each question completely and clearly in at least four sentences showing me why you are passionate, focued, and driven.

Step-by-Step Student Application Video

(Click the above image or this link to view the step-by-step video)

For additional help, see your school counselor at your home high school or call STA at 986-3410.

Important Notes:

  • This application may be completed using any browser
  • This application may be completed using a mobile device

*The Lee’s Summit R-7 School District policy prohibits “all unlawful discrimination, including harassment creating a hostile environment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act, in its programs, activities and with regard to employment.” Accordingly, no information concerning race, ethnicity or sex that is requested during enrollment will be used to classify, segregate or otherwise deny any student the full benefit of the District’s programs and activities.