Have you ever wanted to design, maintain, or pilot an airplane or rocket? Are you interested in a deeper understanding of what it takes to work in the Aviation and Aerospace fields? The Aerospace Academy Capstone provides advanced level avionics/aviation/aerospace pathways. This program represents a collaboration between STA, the City of Lee's Summit, the Lee's Summit Economic Development Council, and the Lee's Summit Municipal Airport and includes potential lab opportunities for students at the airport. Students will learn cutting-edge curriculum developed by subject matter experts in aerospace/aviation including acquiring learning targets for a FAA Remote Pilot certification, career exploration for the seven aerospace workforce pathways, hands-on applied learning experiences at the Lee's Summit airport utilizing industry standard equipment, and a field experience within one or more of the seven aerospace pathways.

Colin McKee
Instructor: Aerospace Academy

Aerospace Academy



  • 2.5 GPA (Unweighted)
  • 90% Attendance
  • Algebra I with a B- or higher
  • Reading/Writing at 10th grade level


  • Average Math and Engineering grade: B- or higher
  • Aerospace Engineering (AE) and Digital Electronics (DE) at STA with B- or higher are highly recommended for students interested in avionics and aviation maintenance career paths.

High School Credits: 3.0 units

LSR7 Weighted Credit: .666

Weighted Credit for Non Lee's Summit Schools: Varies by school

College Dual Credit: UCM AVIA 1020, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1310, 1903