STAjeremy.bonnesen2022-02-15T21:24:14+00:00 Why Choose STA How to Prepare How Does It Work How to Apply Explore STA Testimonials What is Under 2 Minutes? Tiffany's Story Evie's Story Brendan's Story Academy News Apply to STACheck out the exciting Environmental Studies Capstone at STA's Paradise Park Campus.Learn about the amazing opportunities within Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Management through STA's new capstone course at Paradise Park!STA Cyber Students ranked 7th in the National CyberPatriot Finals in Washington, DC!Madison Canton is prepared to graduate with a high-demand cybersecurity degree!STA's GPS students make a global impact!STA Alumni Share their Success as MIC Early Bachelor Grads!Thanks, LSEDF!AEA SPOTLIGHTS NEW AEROSPACE ACADEMY WITH FAA ADMINISTRATORSTA HOSTS FAA ADMINISTRATOR STEVE DICKSON‹› A Twitter List by list_sta