On Friday, May 1, the Engineering Field Experience students from STA presented their final presentation via video conference. In attendance was Mayor Baird, Councilmember Rob Binney, Dr. Emily Miller, as well as other LSR7 administration and various city of Lee’s Summit staff.
The engineering capstone course has been a collaboration between Lee’s Summit Public Works and Summit Technology Academy for the past 20 years. This year, their client was the LS Parks and Recreation Department and the task was to repurpose the old landfill region off of Hamblen Road into a park setting. For the past 3 months, the students have met two days a week with city engineers regarding various aspects of the site development. They divided into groups and learned how to work with each other to meet deadlines and collaborate on different features of the park project. The added twist of virtual learning during a pandemic did not slow them down. The LS engineers were thoroughly impressed with their level of teamwork, communication and the detail high school seniors were able to present to professionals. This has been an opportunity for the students to gain an even deeper understanding of what will be expected of them in engineering school and as future engineers.