Please Note: STA Parking Permits will be issued on Friday, August 24th in class for all students who have permission to drive from their sending high school AND have completed the STA online registration.
Click here to view the STA student driver/parking informational video
Driving Permission
Permission to drive to STA is the exclusive decision of the sending school district. Please refer to your sending high school’s procedures for obtaining this permission. If a school district provides bus transportation for their students attending STA, all students are expected to use this mode of transportation. However, a student may have a legitimate need to drive or it be a requirement for a specific STA program. Please list all vehicles that may be used for driving to STA when completing STA online registration information.
Some sending high schools provide daily bus transportation for their students to and from STA. Parking/driving to STA is a privilege and can be revoked at any time. Students are allowed to drive to STA as long as their sending school allows them to drive, and they have an STA parking permit on file in the student administration office. Students parking/driving to STA without permission from their sending school and STA will be subject to disciplinary action. Parking permits may be revoked if a student is frequently tardy or late to school.
Parking Policy
Parking Permission
Students must obtain an official STA student parking window decal to drive and park their personal vehicle at STA. Students must display this parking window decal on the inside of the back rear window on the lower left side (driver’s side) of any vehicle parked in the STA parking lot. Parking permits will be issued the second week of school. Students may park without a permit until that time. After STA parking permits have been issued, students must have a parking permit to continue to park at The Missouri Innovation Campus facility. No parking permits will be issued to students who have not completed course paperwork or requirements required to participate in the course as well as their Online PowerSchool Registration (for students coming from one of the Lee’s Summit high schools, this is done through LSWHS, LSNHS, or LSHS). For students from all other high schools, the STA PowerSchool Registration process can be completed through this link.
LOCK YOUR CAR! STA is not responsible for damage or accidents that occur to students’ vehicles on school property. Students are responsible for the security of their window decal parking permit! Report lost or stolen decal to STA administration office. If lost or stolen, a new permit must be purchased ($25.00). The use of the STA student parking lot is a privilege. Violations of parking rules may result in disciplinary action or revocation of permission to park at STA.
Obtaining a Parking Permit after the Fact:
Students must complete the information requested through the LSR7 online registration process in July/early August. However, if a student did not register a car during online registration process and wishes to request parking permission after initial online registration, follow these procedures:
1. Request parking/driving permission from sending school and STA
2. Complete a paper form obtained in the STA student administration office. Note: signatures of approval
from parents and sending school’s STA liaison assistant principal is required.
3. Return the form to STA office for final approval
Parking Lot Safety
Students are not permitted to go to parked cars or be in the parking lots without permission from an administrator. Consistent with the community’s expectation that school officials sustain a safe school environment, the Lee’s Summit schools will cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies. The parking lot and all cars parked on campus will be subject to search. The parking lot WILL BE searched periodically. This may include use of canines for the search. Speeding or careless and reckless driving in the parking lot can result in police action along with school discipline. Police can issue tickets for careless and imprudent driving, endangerment of a minor, or other violations. School discipline includes, but is not limited to, detention, suspension and/or loss of driving privileges. Skateboarding, or the use of any type of skates, is not allowed on school property. School discipline will apply to violators.
Students must be age 16 or older and have a valid driver’s license. Failure to display your issued STA parking permit window decal as well as decals displayed in an improper manner are subject to disciplinary action. Window decals must be visibly displayed facing out from back rear window on the lower left side. Students parked on school grounds who have not properly obtained a permit or fail to display their window decal properly will be subject to the following penalties:
*1st Offense- Student Warning
*2nd Offense-1 hour Detention and Parent Contact
*3rd Offense- Parent Contact/Ten day permit revocation
*4th Offense- Parent Contact/Permit revocation for the remainder of the semester
Discipline Related to Parking/Driving
Discipline will also result for students parking/driving in any unauthorized manner:
Driving over 15 miles per hour on the Missouri Innovation Campus Building property.
Not observing all traffic patterns, rules, and regulations.
Reckless or careless driving may result in loss of parking privileges.
Sitting in parked cars on school grounds before or after school.
Going to vehicles during the school day without administrator permission.
Students found using a lost, stolen, or borrowed permit may lose parking privileges.
**Repeated parking offenses may result in revocation of parking privileges entirely until restitution is made. Let STA Student Administration Office know if you are driving a different vehicle from the ones registered within the STA Online Registration in July. STA Student Administration Office will need to know make, model and license plate number as soon as you enter the building to avoid being assigned discipline for the offense.
Parking Lot Entrance/Exit Procedures
Students driving to Summit Technology Academy are to park in the STA Student Parking Lot located on the north side of the Missouri Innovation Campus building (Highlighted in Yellow in the following diagram). Additionally, students are to use the north entrance/exit highlighted in yellow as well. However, if the north parking lot is completely full, students may park in the south UCM parking lot. Please note: those using the south parking lot must wait to exit the south lot until busses have exited first.
Discipline will be issued to students with cars not parked in appropriate parking lots, parked improperly, and or parking in designated business and or handicapped parking spots. STA students are only allowed to park in the STA Student Parking Lot. Speeding or careless, and reckless driving in the parking lot can result in police action along with school discipline. Police can issue tickets for careless and imprudent driving, endangerment of a minor, or other violations. School discipline includes, but is not limited to, detention, suspension and/or loss of driving privileges. In accordance Missouri Innovation Campus security, students must follow the following parking lot exit procedures to ensure safety for all drivers. Failure to observe these safety guidelines may result in revocation of student parking/driving privileges. Students must drive at 15 miles an hour or less in the parking lot. Students must drive in parking lot driving lanes and NOT drive through parking stalls. Students must enter and exit in and out of the north Missouri Innovation Campus entrance/exit. Students parking in the west or south parking lots will receive discipline, have vehicle ticketed or have their car towed by Missouri Innovation Campus Security Officers.